Utthan Pristhasana: Lizard Pose

Utthan Pristhasana, commonly known as Lizard Pose, is a powerful yoga asana that stretches the hips, hamstrings, and quadriceps. It is a go-to pose for athletes, runners, and anyone looking to improve flexibility and strength in the lower body. This pose not only prepares the body for deeper hip openers but also helps in calming the mind and relieving stress. In this blog, we will explore the benefits of Lizard Pose, guide you through the steps to perform it correctly, share tips for beginners, highlight common mistakes, and wrap up with a conclusion on why this pose deserves a place in your yoga practice.


Utthan Pristhasana offers a multitude of benefits for both the mind and body, including:

  • Enhanced Flexibility: It deeply stretches the hip flexors, hamstrings, and groins, promoting flexibility in the lower body.
  • Improved Strength: By engaging the muscles of the lower body, it helps in strengthening the legs and glutes.
  • Stress Relief: The focus required to maintain the pose helps in calming the mind, relieving stress, and reducing anxiety.
  • Better Balance: Practicing this pose regularly can improve your balance and stability, benefiting your overall posture.
  • Increased Circulation: It aids in improving blood circulation, especially in the pelvic region, contributing to better overall health.

Steps to Perform

  1. Start in Downward-Facing Dog: Begin on all fours, lift your hips high, and straighten your legs to form an inverted V-shape.
  2. Step Forward: Bring your right foot forward between your hands, ensuring your right knee is directly over the right ankle.
  3. Lower the Left Knee: Gently lower your left knee to the ground. If needed, place a folded blanket under your knee for cushioning.
  4. Move into Lizard Pose: Walk your right foot to the right edge of your mat and place both hands inside of your right foot. Keep your arms straight or lower onto your forearms for a deeper stretch.
  5. Hold the Pose: Maintain the pose for 5-10 breaths, focusing on relaxing into the stretch with each exhale.
  6. Release: To exit, press back into your hands (if on forearms), lift your left knee off the ground, and step back into Downward-Facing Dog. Repeat on the other side.

Tips for Beginners

  • Use Props: Place blocks under your hands if you cannot comfortably reach the ground. This helps maintain alignment without straining.
  • Don’t Rush: Move into the pose slowly to avoid injury and to understand your body’s limits.
  • Keep the Neck Relaxed: Ensure your neck is in line with your spine and relaxed, to avoid tension build-up.
  • Breath is Key: Focus on your breathing to help deepen the pose gradually and safely.

Common Mistakes

  • Overstretching: Attempting to go too deep too soon can lead to strain. Listen to your body and respect its limits.
  • Misalignment: Ensure your front knee doesn’t go past your toes to avoid putting unnecessary pressure on the knee.
  • Holding Breath: Holding your breath can create tension and limit the benefits of the pose. Maintain a steady, deep breath throughout.

Utthan Pristhasana is a versatile and beneficial yoga pose that caters to both the mind and body. By incorporating Lizard Pose into your regular yoga practice, you can enhance your flexibility, strength, and mental clarity. Remember to approach the pose with patience and use modifications as needed. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced practitioner, Utthan Pristhasana can be a valuable addition to your yoga journey, promoting a deeper connection with your body and its capabilities.

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